Xcel Med accelerates your business.
DME program
Starting with a routine audit of medical records and inventory, Xcel Med keeps you on top of the competitive DME field with expert billing, supply management, and staff training.
Medical billing services
Xcel Med has provided billing services since 2002. Let our highly experienced team accelerate your laboratory, pharmaceutical, Neurology, Psychiatric, DME and diagnostics billing.
Revenue enhancement program
Our customized lab program is designed to add dollars to your bottom line, free administrative burdens, and improve patient satisfaction. Ask for a free analysis of your business.
Add Xcel Med to your winning team.
Why Xcel Med
24hr claims turnaround processing time
Improved revenue and collections
Decrease in Outstanding A/R
Improved patient satisfaction
Customized reporting
Xcel Med services
Collections A/R Follow Up
Receipt Entry
Customer Service Department
Xcel Med has been there for my practice since day one. The support from your company has helped our practice reach levels we never thought possible.
— DR. K
Xcel Med
7444 W. Wilson Ave Harwood Heights, IL 60706
(847) 864-4901
(888) 656-7558 Toll-free